
Module containing functions for writing out the inflow fields in various file formats.

eddylicious.writers.write_points_to_hdf5(hdf5File, pointsY, pointsZ, xVal)

Write the points into a HDF5 file.

Savs the points into a HDF5 file. The points will be transformed into 1d arrays. The resulting dataset is called points and lies in the root of the file.

  • hdf5File (h5py.File) – The path of the HDF5 file.
  • pointsY (ndarray) – A 2d array containing the values of y for the face centres.
  • pointsZ (ndarray) – A 2d array containing the values of z for the face centres.
  • xVal (float) – The x-location of the inflow plane.
eddylicious.writers.write_velocity_to_hdf5(hdf5File, t, uX, uY, uZ, iteration)

Write the velocity field into an HDF5 file.

Will also write the corresponding time value.

  • hdf5File (h5py.File) – The the HDF5 file.
  • t (float) – The value of time associated with the written velocity field.
  • uX (ndarray) – A 2d ndarray containing the streamwise component of the velocity field.
  • uY (ndarray) – A 2d ndarray containing the wall-normal component of the velocity field.
  • uZ (ndarray) – A 2d ndarray containing the spanwise component of the velocity field.
  • iteration (int) – The position of along the time axis.
eddylicious.writers.write_points_to_ofnative(writePath, pointsY, pointsZ, xVal)

Write the points in a format used by OpenFOAM’s timeVaryingMappedFixedValue boundary condition.

  • writePath (str) – The path where to write the points file. Should commonly be constant/boundaryData/nameOfInletPatch.
  • pointsY (ndarray) – A 2d array containing the values of y for the face centres.
  • pointsZ (ndarray) – A 2d array containing the values of z for the face centres.
  • xVal (float) – The x-location of the inflow plane.
eddylicious.writers.write_velocity_to_ofnative(writePath, t, uX, uY, uZ)

Write the velocity field in a format used by OpenFOAM’s timeVaryingMappedFixedValue boundary condition.

  • writePath (str) – The path where to write the time directories containing the U files. Commonly constant/boundaryData/nameOfInletPatch.
  • t (float) – The value of time associated with the written velocity field.
  • uX (ndarray) – A 2d ndarray containing the streamwise component of the velocity field.
  • uY (ndarray) – A 2d ndarray containing the wall-normal component of the velocity field.
  • uZ (ndarray) – A 2d ndarray containing the spanwise component of the velocity field.